Wed. Dec 18th, 2024

HDFC ERGO health insurance policIES - Contact us to discuss the plan suitable for your family

Secure Benefit – 2X of your base cover .
This benefit will instantly increase the 15 lakhs base cover to 30 lakhs at
no extra cost.
Plus Benefit – 3X of your base cover
The base cover increases by 50% after 1 year, and 100% after
2 years, irrespective of any claims made. Thereby, additional
coverage amount of 15 lakhs is provided
Restore Benefit – 4X of your base cover
Anytime a claim is made whether partial or total, additional 15 lakhs gets 100% restored for any subsequent claims in the same year
Protect Benefit – Zero deduction on non-medical expenses
In case of an unfortunate hospitalization, your policy also covers out-of-pocket non-medical expenses such as gloves, masks, crepe bandage, nebulizer kits and so on
Unlimited Restore (Add-on)
Provides unlimited restoration in a policy year
No room rent capping
Room rent at actuals


Secure Benefit – 3X coverage from day 1
Secure Benefit instantly makes his 10 lakhs base cover to 30 lakhs, at no extra cost.
Plus Benefit – 100% increase in coverage after 2 years
With this benefit, the base cover you choose for yourself automatically increases by 50% after 1 year, and 100% after 2 years, irrespective of any claims made.
Restore Benefit-100% restore coverage
With the Restore Benefit of Optima Super Secure, if any claim, partial or total, is made any time during the year, then 100% of the base cover gets restored in the policy cover automatically at no extra cost.
Protect Benefit – Zero deduction on non-medical expenses
Protect Benefit of Optima Super Secure guarantees payment of consumables, which include listed non-medical expenses like gloves, masks, nebulizer kits and so on. It’s built-in, and automatically available
at no extra charge.

Restore Benefit – 100% restoration of your Basic Sum
Insured instantly after the first claim.
Unlimited Restore Benefit (Optional Benefit This optional cover will provide instant addition of 100% Basic Sum Insured on complete or partial utilization of your Restore Benefit or Unlimited Restore Benefit (as applicable) during the policy year.
2X Multiplier Benefit- This benefit doubles your coverage post 2 claim-free years. Get 50% of Basic Sum Insured as a bonus for every claim-free year, subject to a maximum of 100%.
Stay Active Benefit-Earn up to 8% premium discount at renewal by achieving the average step count target.

Key Features of my:health Medisure  SUPER TOP-UP PLAN
Works on Aggregate Deductible: This health plan comes in action once your all round total claim amount reaches the aggregate deductible in a year, it’s not necessary for a single claim to meet the deductible unlike other top-up plans.
No health checkups upto Age 55 : It’s better to be safe than sorry! Secure your health when you are young to avoid medical tests.
Pay less, Get more: Opt for a long-term policy of 2 years and get a 5% discount.




health Medisure Super Top Up Insurance

Contact us to discuss the plan suitable for you